
Frequently Asked Questions

At Committee, we value transparency and providing you with clear, concise information. In this FAQ section, you’ll find answers to your app-related questions, whether you’re a new or long-time user, to help you maximize our platform.

Getting Started:

Imagine having access to a worldwide financial tradition, one that empowers you to access credit faster whilst supporting your community achieve their financial goals. That’s what Committee is all about. We’ve taken the concept of ROSCAs (Rotating Savings Credit Association), embraced by millions globally, and transformed it into an easy-to-use app. With Committee, you’ll seamlessly pool equal funds with people you trust, save together, and accelerate your financial goals– all in one place. It’s the future of smart finance. The Committee app will soon be available to download on iOS and Android devices.

The Committee Host sets the details, including:

  • Amount: The fixed contribution amount each user needs to deposit.
  • Frequency of Pay-Out: How often each user will receive a payout.
  • Collection Date: The deadline for users to deposit their contribution.
  • First Pay-Out Date: When the first user will receive the total lump-sum amount.

Joining a Committee:

The Host invites users to join a private group, which we call a Committee. Users have until the Collection Date to deposit their specified contribution. The app sends reminders to ensure everyone stays on track.


Transparent Tracking:

The app’s lobby screen provides clear visibility into how much has been collected and who has or hasn’t made their deposits. It encourages communication among members through the built-in Chat function.


Priority Pay-Out:

If a user needs funds urgently, they can use the ‘Order’ tab to request to be next in line to receive the lump-sum amount. If the Order tab is made visible by the Host, the user can request to swap positions in the order of pay-out. If, however, the Order tab is not visible, users are encouraged to message the Host via the Chat function who can make the appropriate changes.


Pay-out and Completion:

Once all users in the Committee have been paid out the collected lump-sum amount, the Committee is completed. The Host can choose to restart it with the same users or end it.


Committee works on an invite-only process wherein you can only invite users whose numbers you have saved in your mobile phone and have downloaded the app.
Yes, you can be part of multiple Committees. One Committee will always be available for you to use freely. To unlock more than one Committee, users will have to pay a one-time fee.
As of now, Committee is available in English. However, the app is continually expanding its language support and will look to cover Hindi, Urdu, Bengali soon.
Committee is available as a mobile app for both Android and iOS platforms.

Contributions and Pay-Outs:

The minimum contribution amount is set by the Committee Host who creates the Committee.
The rotation and pay-out schedule are set by the Committee Host initially however once the Committee is made, users can request to swap pay-out positions within the ‘Order’ tab or communicate with the Host via the Chat function in their Committees.
Generally, early withdrawals are discouraged to maintain the integrity of the savings and lending process.
This feature is coming soon.

Safety and Disputes:

Yes, Committee ensures the safety of your funds and personal information. All transactions and data are securely encrypted. With Open Banking, payments are initiated using biometrics to access your chosen banks making it very secure from fraudulent activities. Our secure ID verification which each user needs to submit to prove who they are adds an extra layer of protection to users.
Yes, you can report any issues or dispute a transaction through the app’s support which you can find in the Settings section. There is an option called ‘Help’ which has a textbox for you to outline your concerns and submit to our support team. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
Generally speaking, 10-12 is a good number of members however, the Committee’s size is determined by the Committee Host.

Fees and Interest:

The Committee app is free and without any interest charges. If our users expect to receive £500, we are committed to them receiving that amount in its entirety.
If you have a question that isn’t covered, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Your financial journey is important to us, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

You can email us at