
About us

The Birth of Committee

In England during national lockdown because of COVID-19, two enterprising brothers—Hanan Burki and Safwan Burki —embarked on a journey sparked by their own family heritage. Their mother introduced them to the concept of ROSCAs, a traditional way of pooling money within close-knit groups.


As they listened to their mother’s stories of ROSCA experiences with her sisters and cousins, the brothers couldn’t help but see the challenges in managing these financial circles through either messaging apps or notepad entries. Recognizing the potential to modernize and simplify this practice, they began researching ROSCAs and quickly became aware of how the savings method was practiced worldwide but with different names. Why isn’t this tried and tested method of collective savings more prevalent in Western countries? What’s stopping anyone from building an app that can be used by anyone worldwide? Questions that became the foundation of the development of the app.

Their exploration led to the creation of Committee—a mobile app designed to streamline ROSCAs and bring them into the digital age. With the power of Open Banking, the app made contributions more efficient. It introduced the concept of “Committees,” exclusive invite-only groups where users could easily organize their ROSCAs.

Beyond financial convenience, Committee emphasized the sense of community. Within Committees, users could connect, chat, and build relationships while working toward their financial goals. The app aimed to harmonize tradition with innovation, making ROSCAs accessible to a broader audience.

After years of meticulous planning alongside fintech experts, Committee is ready to launch in the UK with their shared objective in mind: to transform people’s financial journeys whilst catapulting Committee to global acclaim.